วันพุธที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550

an Easy 4 Step Recipe for Success

an Easy 4 Step Recipe for Success

Author: Lee Ruleman

Do you know how to turn readers into subscribers? Article marketing is one of the easiest ways to do just that. Use your articles to guide your readers to your website, offer a free product and you will find that readers turn to subscribers quite easily.

Here is my recipe for turning article marketing into success

1.) One Part High Quality Article

Start with writing short 250 to 350 word articles about the niche that you are working in. Make them informative, easy to understand, and interesting and you have one of the main ingredients to a recipe for success.

2.) Two Parts Killer Headline
Your headline is probably the most important part of your article. Write a compelling headline that will stand up, grab your reader by the collar and scream “READ ME.” Powerful headlines attract readers. Weak ones attract no one.

3.) One Part Resource Box
Write a resource box that gets clicks. You resource box is a very valuable piece of real estate and you need to use it to guide your reader to your website. Always write it in third person, include your name, a few sentences about yourself, an offer of a free product and a like to your squeeze page.

4.) One Part Article Directory
Choose a handful of reputable article directories to which you will submit your high quality articles. There are literally hundreds of them out there but I suggest that you submit to a simple handful.

Use this recipe to present something to your readers that they just cannot turn down and you will be well on the way to success.
